I am working on Serial to Ethernet (S2E), StablE contest from hackster.io. It uses WIZnet’s new serial to Ethernet module WIZ750SR based on W7500P Ethernet MCU.

WIZ750SR Layout
W7500P SoC is an one-chip solution which integrates an ARM Cortex-M0 core. This chip runs at 48 MHz maximum frequency with 16 KB SRAM and 128 KB flash. When I submit my idea to build a slack chatbot on it, I really doubt if this is going to work. The biggest problem could be the RAM (16 KB) but I also need to worry about stuffs like SSL and WebSocket.

W7500P System Architecture
It is pretty straightforward to set up a KEIL development environment and clone the source from WIZnet GitHub repository. One thing I do need is to install MDK v4 Legacy Support. There are some warnings about unused variables and uint8_t
to char
pointer casting. Other than those, the project build is very smooth. I have not received the device yet so I can not verify the generated binary. KEIL IDE requires a Windows environment which I do not always have. I guess the first thing is to figure out GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain on my Ubuntu box so that I can get rid of the Windows VM.

WIZ750SR Pinout
(Images from WIZwiki / CC BY-SA 4.0)